Saturday, March 14, 2015

C4T #2 Deb Frazier

Ms. Deb Frazier photo

Deb Frazier is a first grade teacher in Central Ohio. After reading several of her blogs along with the assigned material, I find her methods refreshing and exciting.

The first assigned blog post was on February 22, 2015. It was titled "Math Investigations and Twitter".  She allowed her students to explore possibilities to a simple question. Her investigative students researched others works and were able to blog to other teachers and students. She allowed the students to pose the question on twitter and they were amazed at the responses that were available.  The simple answer a student gave "i think addition is like subtraction" was a great way to investigate other perspectives.

The second blog post I read on March 10,2015 and was titled, "Math Monday The Power of Independent Math". This was also inspiring to a future teacher. It gave examples of how students learn by different methods. It showed the different cognitive functions students go through to solve math problems. It also explained that we all need to become independent learners, especially in the subject of math. Children were allowed to practice math in any way that felt would help them understand it.

I hope to read more of Deb Frazier's Blog Post and to continue to communicate with her in the future for more inspiring ideas.

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