Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blog Post 14 Teaching can be a Profession

quote and picture of teacher about testing

In the article Teaching Can be  a Profession by Joel Klein the argument of seniority in teaching is discussed. While I believe that all professions should be evaluated I also believe that seniority should also be considered.

Mr. Klein argues that the downfall of teaching as a profession comes from those teachers who obtain seniority and then decline as teachers. There is not a system to evaluate teachers and give them "walking papers" if they do not add up.

quote about defeat
While it is true that some teachers go into being an educator for job security and benefits, there are teachers who are forced to become "glorified babysitters" (as stated by a retired teacher who wishes to be anonymous). They are tied at the hands because there are no consequences for unpleasant behavior in the classroom.

I agree that teachers can and should have a governing body to answer to and should in accordance be evaluated, we must also remember what they face in the classroom and from administration. Let us not judge a teacher who is just trying to regain respect and the love of teaching.

quote by  Brad Henry

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Comments for Kids April

I have enjoyed seeing how different classroom blogs can be a huge variety. Some teachers may not be as complete with instructions as I plan to be in my classroom. I hope to use blogging as a learning tool. I will also have an additional blog for kids on my classroom. I hope to have one where the kids will display work for their parents to see the achievements and for other students around the world to comment on . I am also going to create a journal blog that is shared only with myself and the students where they are free to express themselves through art, writing or video.

Caleb R
Mrs. Lombard
I too, like books that leave you with a cliff hanger. How else would you know to pick up the next book and read it? It is also fun to make up what you believe would happen. Great review.

Room 3 Aurora Primary school

Jamesen is starting a reading program and chose Hard Luck in the series A diary of a wimpy kid. I expressed it was agreat series to read and hoped that he would blog about the book and his opioions 

04/14/2015 mr. gardner

You are correct Janet, we are biologically formed to have a dominant hand. We get this from our parents genes. Have fun learning about what we inherit from our parents.

Comments for Teachers #4 Summary

My final teacher to comment on was Brian Crosby. I really enjoyed his article about messy learning. Watching his video a couple of weeks ago inspired me to think outside the box and be more enthusiatsic about Project Based Learning and its benefits. I have enjoyed gaining different view points from all the teachers we had to comment on.

Comments for teachers #4

I enjoyed reading your blog post. It is very important the students be allowed to explore different ways of learning and the use of stem is not widespread. I hope that your learning is messy will inspire other teachers to become more of an advocate for their students.

Picture of Brian Crosby

Part 2 Blog Post #5

My Beginning Twitter page

To date I have interacted with teachers, friends and former teachers in my PLN. I plan on adding current and future professors here at University of South Alabama to be able to question, share, and interact with these professionals when I obtain my own classroom. My current PLN includes:
 Dr. Lomax
  Kirstin Bailey
Alison Earley
 Corrine Shirley
Amber Whitlock 
Dr. Vituli
Dr. Strange

I know that I will add more and more friends, colleauges and professors to my PLN. These unique individuals will help me to become a more effective and strategic learner as well as a gifted teacher.

Handprint showing words for effective teacher

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Project 16 Part A #2 Technology and Teaching: My Philosophy

Out with the old . In with the New

In a world where each day brings new progress, as a teacher we must remember that change is inevitable.

My philosophy on using technology in the classroom has grown and developed over the past semester here at the University of South Alabama. When I first began this class, I just hoped to pass and move on. But in taking this course, meeting other perspective teachers, and also using technology to communicate with current teachers, I have come to realize that I must too change. Long gone are the days where a teacher could command his or her classroom to sit idle and listen to lectures. We as teachers must now grab the attention of many students who are far more advanced in technology than we will ever dream to be. I have discovered that engaging students will be more of the focus of teaching and that in doing this the students will retain more knowledge than just that of lectures and facts. I have noticed in EDM 310 for example that students have left the course , feeling overwhelmed, or unable to change or continue to learn. Some were still unable to accept a changing environment for learning. However, I  believe the course is essential to learning how to engage students.

 My new philosophy on technology is to become a lifelong learner. I hope to find a niche in which I belong and soar freely through technology. I want to embrace the rewards and benefits of teaching using technology. I aspire to see students grouped together discovering the power of learning. I embrace that as a teacher I will encounter different uses of technology and blend them into each lesson I am able to share with my students. Teaching and Technology are no longer two different subjects to divide. The two must be interconnected and adapted into the new classroom of today.

quote by michael elliot 3rd grade teacher

Blog Post #13 PBL for special needs

Project Based learning will have to be adapted in your classroom for kids with special needs. The following article is a great way to show students how it is beneficial to keep areas well maintained for those who are handicapped or have difficulties walking. The project would allow kids to help in their community.

Project Base Lesson Plan for Special Needs

After reading the article  I found that this would give students of all ages the chance to make a difference in the community. You could use this in conjunction with health lessons, math lessons, social history lessons, and science lessons.

I feel as teachers we should not only come up with things for the general student population, but for the whole society.

child in wheechair learning

So the blog post to have students in EDM 310 should be to find resources on kids with special needs. Then post different ideas on how to adapt your lessons for those students.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

C4T #3

For the Love of Teaching
30 day blog challenge

I am in EDM 310 at University of South Alabama. I enjoyed the concept of potential verses knowledge. So many times teachers forget to see the potential in students and only look at the knowledge they can spit back at them. Without the potential , learning is not possible. Great post!

I liked your comment on testing. Students may have all the concepts to pass a test and still not have learned. Whereas, another student may not pass the test but obtains more knowledge and comprehension of the subject.

poster of five ideas for effective teaching

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Project 14 Lesson Plan

Project #14

Reading 2nd Grade

For my project I created a simple reading and comprehension assignment followed by groups of students creating their own stories. This follows Alex Guide lines for 2nd grade R.ES.2.1-2.4.


Picture of princess on pea

Blog Post # 11 What can we learn about teaching from these teachers?

Learning is messy

When viewing the video posted by Brian Crosby, I was impressed at the children's ability to use different methods . The children are very enthusiastic about learning about the atmosphere because they are shown different ways to adapt their own skills. The students were able to teach other students. This teacher shows how engaging children can improve reading, writing and learning skills with 2nd language learners. I love how the children were able to expand their intelligence across the world.

Mr. Anderson has a great method of showing students how to comprehend Science. I respect his method of starting with an engaging questions. The students are then instructed o perform their own investigations. His method of reviewing individually or in groups to test their comprehension is phenomenal . More Making thinking Visible by Mark Church should view this teachers concept of Blending Learning. I like his statement of if you can't explain what your learned to someone else, did you learn it?

Mr. Church uses two approaches. First he discusses his subject with his students. He then has small groups review the topic and discuss it. In this video he is sharing the origins of human beginnings. He allows the students to come up with their own questions or "headline" which will intrigue the other students. After he finishes the unit of study he has the students reflect on their initial question and see where they would begin again to explain This method is superior in project based learning because it can engage the students to learn more.

Mr. Payne engages his students by reminding the students that you are responsible for using the Internet safely. He compares the students to superheroes. He shows the students on their level how dangerous the Internet can be when not used properly. He has the students build a comic strip to show how the Internet should be used. It is a great way to teach Internet safety. We can learn from him how to guide our students to use their own judgements.

Mr. Wander, Ms. Delorme, and Ms. Froshaug have created an enforcement where students are proud of the education they are receiving. They are examples of how teachers should communicate and create class room experiences. We can learn from their innovation and creativity how to achieve success in becoming effective educators. By combining three subjects that are required of their students , they were able to reach beyond the curriculum and have students do amazing work. The students will walk away with knowledge and the love of learning.

Project Based learning is intended to create a real world problem and have children solve these problems using technology, knowledge and comprehension. The students will apply their knowledge to the questions asked of them and you can evaluate their understanding and comprehension. The students are guided through projects. One benefit that was described was public speaking. This has always been a problem for me. I think being able to take away that fear as a young child not only helps for later in life but gives them social skills needed in what ever path they chose to take as an adult.

Giving students the "ownership" of the project gives them the confidence they need. I really enjoyed how Roosevelt School involved every classroom, every teacher and every student. The social skills, and communication skills taught here are amazing.