Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blog Post # 11 What can we learn about teaching from these teachers?

Learning is messy

When viewing the video posted by Brian Crosby, I was impressed at the children's ability to use different methods . The children are very enthusiastic about learning about the atmosphere because they are shown different ways to adapt their own skills. The students were able to teach other students. This teacher shows how engaging children can improve reading, writing and learning skills with 2nd language learners. I love how the children were able to expand their intelligence across the world.

Mr. Anderson has a great method of showing students how to comprehend Science. I respect his method of starting with an engaging questions. The students are then instructed o perform their own investigations. His method of reviewing individually or in groups to test their comprehension is phenomenal . More Making thinking Visible by Mark Church should view this teachers concept of Blending Learning. I like his statement of if you can't explain what your learned to someone else, did you learn it?

Mr. Church uses two approaches. First he discusses his subject with his students. He then has small groups review the topic and discuss it. In this video he is sharing the origins of human beginnings. He allows the students to come up with their own questions or "headline" which will intrigue the other students. After he finishes the unit of study he has the students reflect on their initial question and see where they would begin again to explain This method is superior in project based learning because it can engage the students to learn more.

Mr. Payne engages his students by reminding the students that you are responsible for using the Internet safely. He compares the students to superheroes. He shows the students on their level how dangerous the Internet can be when not used properly. He has the students build a comic strip to show how the Internet should be used. It is a great way to teach Internet safety. We can learn from him how to guide our students to use their own judgements.

Mr. Wander, Ms. Delorme, and Ms. Froshaug have created an enforcement where students are proud of the education they are receiving. They are examples of how teachers should communicate and create class room experiences. We can learn from their innovation and creativity how to achieve success in becoming effective educators. By combining three subjects that are required of their students , they were able to reach beyond the curriculum and have students do amazing work. The students will walk away with knowledge and the love of learning.

Project Based learning is intended to create a real world problem and have children solve these problems using technology, knowledge and comprehension. The students will apply their knowledge to the questions asked of them and you can evaluate their understanding and comprehension. The students are guided through projects. One benefit that was described was public speaking. This has always been a problem for me. I think being able to take away that fear as a young child not only helps for later in life but gives them social skills needed in what ever path they chose to take as an adult.

Giving students the "ownership" of the project gives them the confidence they need. I really enjoyed how Roosevelt School involved every classroom, every teacher and every student. The social skills, and communication skills taught here are amazing.

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